This is the weekly bulletin insert from Sermons That Work.
Life Transformed – Week 4
The journey through Lent into Easter is a journey with Jesus. We are baptized into his life, self-giving, and death; then, we rise in hope to life transformed. This Lent, communities are invited to walk with Jesus in his Way of Love and into the experience of transformed life. Together, we will reflect anew on the loving actions of God as recounted in the Easter Vigil readings. Together, we will walk through the depths of salvation history into the fullness of redemption.
Throughout Lent, come along with us as we explore Life Transformed: The Way of Love in Lent, produced by Hillary Raining and Jenifer Gamber. You can find resources mentioned below at
Week 4
Sunday, March 19
Today’s Practice: Watch the Rev. Dr. Hillary Raining’s video at for Week 4. The topic is based on the practice “Bless” and is titled, “A New Heart and a New Spirit.”
Read: Ezekiel 36:24-28
Monday, March 20
Today’s Prompt: What challenges are you facing today?
Read: “And you will have confidence, because there is hope; you will be protected and take your rest in safety.” – Job 11:18
Tuesday, March 21
Today’s Prompt: Where do you find joy and passion?
Read: “They said to each other, ‘Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road, while he was opening the scriptures to us?’” – Luke 24:32
Wednesday, March 22
Today’s Prompt: What can you say “no” to so you can say “yes” to prayer, rest and joy?
Read: “Six days shall work be done; but the seventh day is a sabbath of complete rest, a holy convocation; you shall do no work: it is a sabbath to the Lord throughout your settlements.” – Lev. 23:3
Thursday, March 23
Today’s Prompt: Practice lectio divina with this scripture.
Read: Luke 15:17-24
Friday, March 24
Today’s Prompt: Create a prayer representing how you seek to serve God and follow Jesus.
Read: “No one after lighting a lamp puts it under the bushel basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all in the house.” – Matt. 5:15
Saturday, March 25
Today’s Prompt: How do others experience the love of Christ through you?
Read: “By contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against such things.” – Gal. 5:22-23
Reflections from “Living the Way of Love” by Mary Bea Sullivan (Church Publishing, 2019). Used with permission. Quotations from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Weekly bulletin inserts
This weekly bulletin insert provides information about the history, music, liturgy, mission, and ministry of The Episcopal Church. For more information, please contact us at

Sermons That Work
For more than 20 years, Sermons That Work, a ministry of The Episcopal Church’s Office of Communication, has provided free sermons, Bible studies, bulletin inserts, and other resources that speak to congregations across the Church. Our writers and readers come from numerous and varied backgrounds, and the resources we provide are used in small house churches, sprawling cathedrals, and everything between.

Church of the Redeemer
Church of the Redeemer: Worshiping God, living in community, and reaching out to the world around us. We are an Episcopal Church serving north King County and south Snohomish County, Washington. As you travel your road, go with friends walking the way of Jesus at Redeemer.
Church of the Redeemer is at 6210 Northeast 181st Street in Kenmore, Washington. The campus is a short distance north of Bothell Way, near the Burke-Gilman Trail. The entrance looks like a gravel driveway. The campus is larger on the inside than it is on the outside. And we managed to hide a large building on the side of a hill that is not easily seen from the street.
The Episcopal Church welcomes you.