The requiem Eucharist for our brother John Pearson was Saturday, January 24, 2015, at 3:00 pm. His death was December 27, 2014.
Deliver your servant, John, O Sovereign Lord Christ, from all evil, and set him free from every bond; that John may rest with all your saints in the eternal habitations; where with the Father and the Holy Spirit you live and reign, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
This is the homily from Fr. Jed Fox at the requiem.
These are remembrances from the reception held after the requiem.
The following are ways in which John Pearson added to life at Church of the Redeemer, in the local community, and in the wider community. This will be amended as more information is known.
How John Pearson added to our life at Church of the Redeemer
The Rev. Steve Garratt, who recently ended being the interim rector of Church of the Redeemer, had this to say about John Pearson:
I have been thinking whether I have much to add about John, but truthfully, outside of exchanging the Peace with him and perhaps a couple of brief passing exchanges at coffee hour, I really didn’t know John that well. The only thing I could really say is that he was a regular communicant who clearly loved the parish (which is probably not a bad tribute).
We have several things at Church of the Redeemer through the generosity of John Pearson.
New organ console
The long over-due project to replace our organ console was started with a substantial donation from John Pearson. The dedication of the new console will take place on January 31 and February 1, 2015.
Assistive listening devices
John Pearson donated the assistive listening devices for use during worship services.
Solar panels
At this time, solar panels are being made for installation on the roof of Church of the Redeemer. Along his financial assistance, John Pearson did much of the research to make this happen. This project will be completed in the coming months.
Read about the solar project at Church of the Redeemer.
Toilet in the men’s room
John Pearson replaced one of the toilets in the men’s room.
How John Pearson added to the lives of others through Church of the Redeemer
John Pearson added in other ways to life and ministry of Church of the Redeemer in service to others.
Resurrección Day Camp in Mount Vernon
This past summer, John Pearson taught campers in the sixth grade for all weeks of the camp, from July 21 through August 15, 2014.
In 2013, John worked for at least two weeks of the camp. That year he did one-on-one reading with campers in the first and second grade.
Deacon Mark Blindheim from Emmanuel Church on Mercer Island had this to say about John Pearson:
I first met John Pearson at the second Resurrección daycamp in 2013. He was a tireless volunteer who engaged the children he worked with in a profound way. His volunteer efforts for those four weeks were foundational in establishing the camp as an entity which could attract additional grant funding. This enabled the camp to pay certified teachers and have curriculum consistent with that being taught in the Mount Vernon School District.
This summer he taught 5th and 6th graders. Each morning he set up class outdoors in the tent and taught his students, stowing everything away at the end of each day. He set a high standard for future camp teachers. He lived out his Christian faith fully, passionately, and with his whole heart. He will be dearly remembered and deeply missed.
Read about the evolution of this camp. It was originally a two-week effort hosted primarily by people from Church of the Redeemer. It has grown to be a major month-long event in the Skagit River Valley. View pictures from the 2014 camp taken by John Pearson.
Food donations to Hopelink
Food drives at Church of the Redeemer for Hopelink included John Pearson going beyond the grocery bag or two of items. He would find major quantities of food to be donated from an area grocery store. Read about one of those food drives.
Washing the feet of those experiencing homelessness
On at least one occasion, John Pearson participated in washing the feet of those experiencing homelessness at a United Way Day of Caring in Seattle.
Read about the September 2013 Day of Caring. View pictures from this Day of Caring.
What John Pearson liked at Church of the Redeemer
In September 2014, John Pearson said two things when asked the one thing he liked about Church of the Redeemer. John said Redeemer was deep and that it was solid.
A few weeks later, when asked the one thing he hoped for Redeemer, John Pearson said that he wanted us to finish the solar panel project.
What others thought about John Pearson
Friends of North Creek Forest reported how John Pearson worked to restore habitat in the area. The obituary on their web page said that John had worked in journalism, a substitute teacher, and in a hardware store.
Church of the Redeemer
Church of the Redeemer: Worshiping God, living in community, and reaching out to the world. We are an Episcopal Church serving north King County and south Snohomish County, Washington. As you travel your road, go with friends walking the way of Jesus at Redeemer.
Church of the Redeemer is at 6210 Northeast 181st Street in Kenmore, Washington. We are a short distance north of Bothell Way, near the Burke-Gilman Trail. The entrance looks like a gravel driveway. The campus is larger on the inside than it is on the outside. And we managed to hide a large building on the side of a hill that is not easily seen from the street.
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