Safe Church universal training

In accordance with The Episcopal Church’s Safe Church, Safe Communities program, Universal Training is now offered for certification for work with Children/Youth and with Vulnerable Adults. Universal Safe Church training fosters a culture of safety and inclusion for all people. It covers a broad overview of issues of vulnerability, power, and healthy boundaries. Universal Safe Church training equips all people to live out their Baptismal Covenant.

Read more at Safe Church, Safe Communities on the website of the Episcopal Church.

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Required courses

The following list are the required nine courses for universal Safe Church training. Expect all nine trainings to take 2-1/2 to 3 hours total to complete. These courses were selected in consultation with The Episcopal Church Task Force to Develop Model Sexual Harassment Policies and Safe Church Training, of which Judy Andrews, Diocese of Olympia’s Chancellor, has served as Chair. 

  1. Universal Training: Inclusion
  2. Universal Training: Healthy Boundaries
  3. Universal Training: Organizational Rules & Policies
  4. Universal Training: Introduction and Theological Background
  5. Specialty Training: Power & Relationships
  6. Specialty Training: Pastoral Relationships
  7. Specialty Training: Bullying
  8. Specialty Training: Abuse and Neglect
  9. Duty to Report: Mandated Reporter

Instructions for signing up to take the courses and submitting your completion form for certification is at Safe Church Online. Certifications are valid for three years.

Other information about Safe Church certification and courses

There are no longer separate certifications for Safeguarding God’s Children and Safeguarding God’s People for the online program. Instead, the universal Safe Church certification is for ministries with all people.

Additional courses are available through the Praesidium Academy, such as “Social Media Safety,” “Know Your Policies,” and “Keeping Your Day Camp Safe.” Though not required, you make take these at any time. We encourage you to take a look through the offerings.

If you are already certified in Children, People, or both, your certification remains valid until it’s expiration. You do not need to take the new modules until expiration. However, you may wish to take the new courses now, and that is more than welcome.

If you have questions about the online update, Model Policies, and so forth, reach out to April Caballero at If you have technical questions about the online platform, Praesidium, or your certification status, reach out to Tonja May at

The Episcopal Church of the Redeemer: Worshiping God, living in community, reaching out to the world.

Church of the Redeemer

Welcome to Church of the Redeemer: Worshiping God, living in community, and reaching out to the world. We are an Episcopal Church serving north King County and south Snohomish County, Washington. As you travel your road, go with friends walking the way of Jesus at Redeemer.

Church of the Redeemer is at 6210 Northeast 181st Street in Kenmore, Washington. The campus is a short distance north of Bothell Way, near the Burke-Gilman Trail. The entrance looks like a gravel driveway. The campus is larger on the inside than it is on the outside. And we managed to hide a large building on the side of a hill that is not easily seen from the street.

The Episcopal Church welcomes you.