ACC discusses ‘good differentiation’ amid divisions in Anglican Communion on human sexuality

The Episcopal Church’s representatives to the Anglican Consultative Council (ACC) participated February 14, 2023, in a discussion on the challenges of maintaining – and, in some ways, restoring – unity among the worldwide Anglican Communion’s 42 provinces at a time of stark divisions over human sexuality and marriage equality. Read More …

Ecumenical, interfaith at Lambeth sessions

The day’s two plenaries featured panelists sharing their experiences with ecumenical and interfaith relations, and the bishops’ closed session later in the day took up two corresponding Lambeth Calls, which are the documents this conference is using to initiate discussion while recommending action items for bishops when they return to their provinces and dioceses. Read More …

Bishops agree to foster restorative justice

Anglican bishops took up the Lambeth Call on Reconciliation on August 2, 2022, uniting in a message of justice and healing for those who have been oppressed. Coming just before their session on the more controversial Call on Human Dignity, the Call on Reconciliation focused on the church’s broader work on rectifying unjust social systems and less on addressing the factions within the Anglican Communion. Read More …